Advertising Through Email
H O P P E R P E D I A ©
-Brian Hammons
June 14, 2010: 1,990 hits
To Get Respect. You Have to Give Respect
The people who subscribe to your email list are a dedicated group and
you should treat them that way. These people are so interested in you
and your business that they have asked you to reach out to them directly.(ex: signing up for your newsletter) Let these customers be the first to know about any important or interesting news (such as sales, new products, business changes etc.).All of these things build a feeling of loyalty and familiarity between you and your readers that they won’t soon forget. You email marketing goals may deal with many different aspects of email marketing. You might want to increase subscribers for the first year, or focus on increasing click-rates. Eventually you may want to set your goals around increasing online sales or repeat sales.
Keep It Useful
Make sure the content you fill your newsletter with benefits your
Some common things to include in an e-newsletter are:
1. Industry news and information
2. Case studies
3. Useful tips and tricks
4. Surveys or polls
5. Special offers or exclusive coupons
6. Q & As
7. Promotional material
8. Stories, Video, & Photos. Let your customers see what goes on ”behind the scenes.”
Keep It Short
Most people are bombarded by tons of emails each day. Keep your newsletter short and ‘easy to digest.’ If you are including a long interview, story or article, just feature the headline and first paragraph (or a short summary) in your newsletter and provide a link to the full piece on your web site. This allows your readers to decide what they want to read quickly and bypass the information they aren’t interested in.
Show Some Personality
No one wants to read a dry and boring newsletter. Put some personality into what you write. The email newsletter format is less formal than a print article or brochure. Try to write the way you might speak to one of your subscribers if you were discussing the same information. Find your “voice” or “personality.” If you can get away with a casual style, it’ll be easier to write. It can also make it easier to come up with more ideas, and plan more emails down the road. However, rules of good writing still apply. Use simple words, short sentences and always check for grammar
and spelling errors.